Cloud Computing

What is Cloud Hosting?

A cloud-based hosting service is a variation of typical internet hosting that allows a company to become live on the Internet. We utilise Microsoft’s Azure cloud platform to provide your business its very own server space and make this accessible over the Internet. With the necessary security controls in place we ensure your company data is kept private and only publish contents of your desire.


  • Flexible

  • Scalable

  • Secure

  • Reliable

Who is Cloud for?

Individuals who wish to their own websites and are looking for an affordable, secure and reliable hosting.

Start-ups will be able to access an infrastructure for IT which is enterprise-grade and designed to offer many flexible features. In other words, it will grow with your company. Offers low up-front expenses.

Small/Medium Businesses may have IT resources which are limited, you’ll find that cloud hosting gives you the capacity to concentrate on your Business, rather than wasting a lot of time, money and energy on IT. You will be able to access a variety of computing, network and storage products on an on-demand basis. Ability to scale in order to handle business growth.

Medium to Enterprise tend to have more complex hosting needs. Cloud hosting is typically a cost-saving choice which boosts flexibility, productivity, agility and the overall efficiency of business operations.


How we can help

We can offer a safe and secure cloud hosting solution for your IT infrastructure, website and email, reducing the cost of physical hardware.

We also offer data backups via the cloud to make sure that all your company data is backed up at regular intervals encase a disaster occurs. With regular backups, we can ensure that if your site goes down, we can get you back up and running again as quickly as possible.

A cloud solution also offers other features such as failover and load balancing to reduce the strain on your cloud infrastructure should it experience periods of high traffic or where resources become stretched.

With the use of Office 365, we can provide your business cloud-based collaborative solutions including E-Mail, SharePoint and Skype. Included with our managed IT services, we ensure your cloud environment is kept secure and up-to-date.

For more information about how we can help your business please contact us

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