Data and Systems are your business’s most important assets. Cyber-attacks have increased by a vast amount in the last year, costing SMBs tens of thousands of pounds. Small businesses to enterprises are becoming increasingly vulnerable to the threats posed by cyber-attacks as cybercriminals target them due to security vulnerabilities and insufficient defences.


Data Governance

Cyber-attacks come in many shapes and sizes, but the vast majority are very basic in nature, carried out by relatively unskilled individuals. They’re the digital equivalent of a thief trying your front door to see if it’s unlocked. Our advice is designed to prevent these attacks.

Cyber Essentials
Cyber Essentials

Endpoint Security

In today’s business world, data is often the most valuable asset a company has! and to lose that data or access to that data, could put your entire business at risk of insolvency. Endpoint security is the practice of safeguarding the data and workflows associated with the individual devices that connect to your business.

Endpoint Protection
Endpoint Protection

Penetration Testing

A pen test is essentially a controlled form of hacking (ethical) to find and test weaknesses that criminals could exploit. It is a systematic process of identifying and probing vulnerabilities in your IT infrastructure and applications. It can also examine physical security measures or identify security weaknesses in staff/users (social testing).

Advisory Services

Sensitive Information

Processing of personal data is a given for today's business needs and as a business, you need to ensure this data is kept secure in a world moving to remote/mobile environments. By introducing industry best practices, staff training and more importantly - encrypting the data through its process cycle and wherever it lives.

Microsoft 365


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Investing in security solutions that match the culture of your organisation is vital to the long-term viability of the solution. Our IT experts design and deliver security strategies that are specific to your business needs.

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